Monday, November 28, 2011

A little bit of joy

I just have to toot my husbands horn for just a sec. Yesterday's sermon at our home church, we now call Redemption Hill, was absolutely right on and very encouraging. I am so thankful that God has walked Sean and I through this one little step at a time. One step unfolds just after we take the next step and the next. No doubt Sean is gifted in teaching and preaching Gods holy word. He remains humble through this too as he desires to do this the best he can through Christ. Yesterday we covered Philippians 1:12-18 and really thought about what it means to maintain or even just grasp joy in times of persecution and opposition. While we may not be the apostle Paul in chains in Rome we sure can take a look at what we call persecution and opposition and learn from Paul as he preached the gospel of Christ while he was chained to Roman guards facing punishment for the very thing, preaching Christ. And I sit here and complain and lose my joy over a messy house, energetic boys, and a dog that seems to always find the mud and track it in the house? What??? I can't have joy? I can't proclaim Jesus to my two most important little men because I am too busy fussing?? Over what??? Geesh! Reality check on what this life really is suppose to be about. I must focus on Christ and share Jesus no matter my circumstance, that in turn brings joy because its the Fathers plan for us. Focus on Jesus, focus, focus, focus. Reminds me of Peter taking a step of faith out onto the water. He had to focus on Christ or he was sinking.
So thankful for God my Father and the husband he's given me, gifted in the preaching and teaching of the word. Feeling especially blessed and thankful today :)


  1. So cool!!
    We have been studying Philippians at church also.

  2. So excited for you & where the Lord has led your sweet family! We STILL need to catch up in person at some point... :)
