Monday, May 28, 2012

Why hello blog world

Been such awhile but thought I'd catch ya up really quick on some amazing things.
First God is as always so good so good.
I was able to see a woman get baptized yesterday who a week prior was so messed, wanting to die, fogged by vodka, pain killers, and antidepressants. So malnourished, and her body so wrecked that clumps of hair were falling out. I first met her about two years ago when the Lord put her on my heart and had me pray for her. My pastor had always taught to be sensitive to the Spirit and if God lays someone on your heart to pray for you'd better be bold and ask them if you can pray for them. to let God be glorified. At that time she hadn't yet found herself in the circumstances God just rescued her from. I didn't know her, had never seen her but felt compelled to tell her that Jesus loved her, He was there for her and she had a story to tell, His story. I could see that she was of the world and didn't yet know Jesus but He was calling for her.
Time passed, we connected through her good friend who brought her to church that day. Spent some time trying to show her how to read her bible, that Jesus was beckoning her but she needed to let go of the love for the world. She wasn't ready. Fast forward two years, much pain, much of the story was yet to be written. I watched it play out, her heart turned hard towards Christians, God, and she only wanted the pleasures of this life. She left for another town, same scene and through much pain God rescued her. He sent His ambassadors to pull her from the muck, the mire, the mud. Guided by the Holy Spirit they took the three hour trip to find her and pull her out of this mess. She surrendered. To Christ she came. She sobered up, began to hunger for Christ, laid it all down and was baptized yesterday afternoon. HALLELUJAH!!!
She still remembers our time in prayer, she remembers how the timing was right for then, how these other women played such a critical role in her life and coming to know Jesus. She knows just how desperate she became for Christ and hopes to never forget what life is like without her Savior. Watching her be baptized, her understanding that Jesus washed all her sins away, watching the Son shine on her yesterday afternoon in that pool as we sang Amazing Grace was simply an amazing testimony to the power of Christ. Simply amazing.
I wish I could really convey what an amazing sight the past two years with her has been. There is a time for everything. Trust God, hear His voice, trust Him and His timing. He hears your prayers and reconciles those who are His. Praise Him.

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