Thursday, June 14, 2012

June 14, 2003

Today I am reminiscent of the day I officially, under God (though I didn't have a personal relationship with him just yet), said I will for better, worse, rich, poor, sick and in health, love, cherish, and honor my husband. Being a little girl who thought I never wanted that, what a day that was. Looking back I still had a hard heart because I didn't have Jesus just yet but man oh man is He redemptive! I remember my fear and lack of secure hope because it wasn't in Jesus. Does He ever take things and purify them, make them whiter than snow, cleanse them from all unrighteousness and make it all to glorify him. I can now look at my husband and walk in accordance with Gods word and know what it is to love, cherish and honor my husband as unto the Lord.
These past nine years have been filled with fun, tests, growth, maturity, love, grace, mercy oh the list goes on. Today I look at it all and I am filled with thankfulness. I know that there isn't one moment we can begin to feel like we've accomplished it and conquered it. We have to always stand guard to the schemes of our enemy who would love to see marriage destroyed. We know that marriage is a picture of Jesus and His church and there isn't a second to let that take a back seat. Marriage is important and we have to nurture it always.
I often will read marriage books (Christian ones), listen to marriage sermons, pray for my marriage in a way you would think there must be trouble in paradise but that is quite the contrary. I feel that you have to stay on top of that in order to have a blissful marriage, to stay on it and pursue righteousness and holiness in one of the most important relationships a person can have. Not to mention our children are watching and I desire that one day when my little men grow up and look for a wife that they would find one that loves Jesus, that loves and respects them as men, and that together with their wife they would pursue Jesus with a passion.
Today I celebrate all that God has done in the love and unity of my marriage to Sean. I am thankful that God brought us together way back in elementary school, that He made Sean my very very best friend at  the age of 14 and I am even thankful for the rough times because of all that God has taught us through that. He has taught me to love, to give mercy, to give grace and to forgive because He first loved and forgave me.

                                                                 Celebrate Love!!!


  1. Congratulations!! These years just seem to come faster and faster don't they? :)
    Marriage is definitely hard work, but so worth it. To God be the glory.

  2. Absolutely, to God be the glory!!!
