I am enjoying studying in depth, really digging into the gospel of John with a friend, and almost done with thorough investigation through Exodus on my own.
Sometimes going through Exodus its hard to see what God might be trying to speak to ones heart for today. I have found that God is showing me how wonderfully creative He is, how He cares for every little detail in our lives, He desires our whole hearts, He is completely gentle with us and doesn't tolerate anything that isn't of Him for our lives. God is so good. I love how Moses was such a leader of humility, deep care and concern and He had such an intimate relationship with God. Lord let me have such a prayer life like that of Moses. Almost done with Exodus and then I can officially say I have studied it verse by verse. I feel, for me, its important to not just glaze over the scriptures but to really read, dig in and see what the Lord is saying. I can't say I have read the whole bible like that. So my goal is to do this with each book of the bible before I die. I say before I die because it very well could take a while ;)
A sweet friend, who I am so very grateful for that the Lord has brought into my life, and I are studying through John. I've read John a number of times, very familiar with the stories but this time I am taking the ol Walvoord and Zuck commentary along for the journey. All I can say is Wow Wow Wow!!! Reading John and my commentary together not skipping any beats is so enriching! There are things I never considered looking further into before but now that I am, I am fully enriched by all of the little details that seem to not mean much but then gaining a bit more understanding has just been so sweet and fulfilling. Only through the first 10 chapters currently and very excited to carry on this way. It is so cool to see God at work this way. He is so alive!!!
I pray that as I read and journey through, that His Word penetrate my heart and mind and that I reflect Him more and more each and every day with every particle of my being and my home to be a place where His presence is felt.
Thankful for many, many things!
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