Thursday, August 16, 2012

Never a found blessing is born of a lie

I just had to do one of the most hard things I've had to do as a Christian. Truth in love. I have spoken truth in... and sadly out of love before but this was tougher than usual.

This friend of mine who I haven't spoken with since last fall called out of the blue today. When I spoke with her last she found a boyfriend and was struggling as a single mom. This man who came into her life promised to help her because he deeply cared for her. Although she ignored the fact that she knew she wasn't supposed to live with the man and likely, I wasn't in the bedroom to know, but likely have out of marriage sexual relationship with him. She struggled in our last conversation knowing she shouldn't be with him and I urged her to get into her local church and return to Christ.

When I met her she was a strung out stripper who was a proclaimed atheist. Her journey has been long, up and down and all over. I saw the highlights of her life. I saw the Lord bless her tremendously as she gave her life and totally surrendered to Jesus as her Savior. To watch her be rescued from the dead life we lived to life in Christ, her hunger for the Word, it was amazing. It was a beautiful sight. The Word truly was her life. She was filled with the living God, Jesus. She got married to another individual from recovery. They made their life and it was precious to see them love each other and love the Lord.

He relapsed continuously for months. She ran, but not to Christ. She found herself in a drug infested apartment complex out of town, connected with a man, lied to me a few times, became pregnant and this new man urged her to abort. She wouldn't. Praise Jesus! She came back to Christ was loved on by some Christian women and then had a beautiful baby. Over the course of time, this is where this new and latest man came in. Life got hard as a single mom and this guy was willing to "help" her and her baby.

This brings me to today. My guess is she knew I wouldn't approve of this relationship and that is where we lost contact. Today she calls, tells me she is homeless but staying in a women's and children's shelter where they provide childcare while she attends the school she started last year. The man became physical and she left. She says she is struggling because she also needs to find work. She feels her only option is the bar. Admittedly I wonder is it really a bar or is it a club? She wants to apply for a weekend pass from this shelter but has to tell them she will be out of town and wants to use my address just while she can make some money. She tells me the shelter and their programs don't approve of the bar scene and don't want their mothers working in that environment so she has to lie to the shelter. I can't. I can't be a part of that. I am sad. I feel horrible. I can't lie to the shelter and say she is with me when she is working in an environment that they, who are the ones helping her, with her and her child's best interest in mind.

This is hard. Really hard. Pray with me, whoever is reading, to intercede on her behalf that she would return to the joy of her salvation. Trust in the Lord, the only One who can bring life to her dead situation. I maybe shouldn't even put this out there. I would like her covered in prayer and thats my purpose. Pray for her please.


  1. i will pray amanda. you did the right thing - you made the right decision out of true love for her. that is a true friend. i will pray she realizes that some day.

  2. Thanks Almudena! Sad stuff but always gotta give truth. Thank you for the encouragement.
